Saturday, August 23, 2014

Why running 18 miles is only half of the battle...

I must admit, running 18 miles is no easy feat.  I've been training for the past few months to get ready for the marathon in October.  But it is by far only half of the battle...and I don't mean the physical one.

For instance, what people fail to mention is what comes next.  It may sound like a good idea to get in the shower when you're finished running.  And indeed it is...but it all burns.  I mean, I'm chaffed from here to Sunday.

Lesson #1: Glide thy body

Though I lathered up my arms before hitting the road, I did not glide my legs nor my sports bra areas.  Big mistake.  There is nothing worse (at the moment) than trying to take a shower and not letting water/wet hair/shampoo/soap run down your back, chest, or neck.  Man, I never knew I could bend so far backwards as to avoid the pain.

Lesson #2: Ice thy body
Usually, I'm pretty good about taking an ice bath.  I load up the tub and soak in it for 10-15 minutes depending on how much I can tolerate that day to refresh my muscles.  I have to leave my socks, shorts, and sports bra on though because it's so cold.  Usually I have my netflix going in one hand and a Starbucks coffee in the other to pass the time. Today, I ran out of time so we'll see if I pay for it tomorrow...

Lesson #3: Fuel thy body
I mean this is any easy one right??? Wrong.  For me, after a long run, I usually guzzle an extra bottle of water and some gatorade to replenish.  Today I recovered with chocolate milk (my fav) and gatorade.  And while both are equally fabulous solutions, you can never underestimate the stomach problems that ensue...bringing me to my last point.

Lesson #4: Use thy bathroom
I have been pretty fortunate enough not to have too many tummy problems when it comes to running.  But man, oh man, do not be fooled.  Pretty much it comes and goes in waves until your stomach gets settled again.  Today for example, I just about peed my pants.  I literally stopped at mile 18 and had to hide in the woods real quick.  I mean at that point it wouldn't have mattered because I was honestly so sweaty no one could have noticed.  Thank god no one came running down the trail...

Sunday, July 6, 2014

A little change makes a big difference

As a runner and someone who works out constantly, it's pretty safe to say the gym/the road define who  I am.  It wasn't always like that.  When I was roughly around 285lbs and ate fast food at least once a day and lived the typical college experience, well working out wasn't exactly on my to-do list.  And for the most part, I loved my life.  I was in grad school, I got to see my friends often, and generally just had a lot of fun all the time.

But there was a defining moment for me.  And I know you see that in the movies when all of a sudden there's something that clicks or something major happens that changes a life.  For me, I just finished eating dinner - two chik fil a meals (damn that IS good chicken).  And I was disgusted with myself.  Here I was, about 22 or 23 years old, studying a career to better people when I couldn't even better myself.  

So I made a change.  The first two weeks were mostly cutting out junk and fast food and recording the amount of calories that I was actually eating.  Then I started exercising.  Just an hour before class every day.  I went at 6:30AM (as soon as the gym opened) because I was embarrassed to be working out, I felt so fat. The first 35lbs or so came off quickly and my confidence began to build. By June, I had lost about 70 lbs and had decided to run my first half marathon in September with my classmates. 

And of course all the running stuff went downhill from there... :)

But even those little changes make a big difference.  I remember how overwhelming it can be to get started or to stay on track.  Even now, my most recent changes were cutting back the coffee and increasing water consumption - it's all about creating good habits and sticking with them.  You don't have to do it overnight.  And the process is slow and continual.  But it works.  It's been 3 1/2 years since I started the journey and it's still a struggle for me.  I go through phases of working out too much or not working out at all.  I run fast, I run slow.  I lose 5lbs, I gain 10.  There are aways ups and downs.  But stick with it and work through it and you'll surprise yourself at what you can do. I know I have.

The picture on the left is 2011 before I started my journey.  The picture on the right is me in May completing my 14th half marathon (in under 2 hours even!). 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

An un-noteworthy note

So, instead of taking a break from running when my 5 (yes 5!) half marathons were over, I caved to peer pressure and signed up for the marine corp marathon.  Honestly, I couldn't even tell you when marathon training even started, because I've been running since December non-stop.

And would I  want it any other way? No, of course not.  Why not continue to go non-stop for the next few months? In all actuality, I'm really looking forward to running the race it's just those pesky 20 mile runs that terrify me.

Anyways, summer running has proved to be interesting.  I still need to rearrange some classes and gym time around so I can figure out my running schedule better.  The heat right now is killing my afternoon runs.  I can only manage to get in 3.5/4 miles before taking a breather.

Mostly, it's all working out fine for now.  Minus the snakes.  Those things scare the living daylights out of me when I'm running.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


I didn't work out today.  And you know what?  The sky didn't fall, the world didn't end, and no body died.  How about that?

I actually gave myself a break.  And since I've been house sitting the past week, everything ha been mounting exponentially.  So I skipped the gym, ate like shit, and headed over to my friend's house to hang out with "family".  And it was so worth it.

I forgot what it was like to have the afternoon off.  What it felt like to go to bible study, eat dinner at a reasonable hour, and play game with the kids.

And yes, though I will make it up tomorrow on my off day, it was the right call.  A much needed break.  Absence make the heart grow fonder right?

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Marine Corp Half Marathon

There about a million and one reasons why the marine corp half is one of my favorite races.  The atmosphere is pretty incredible.  How often do you get to run with those who serve your country each and every day? I also love that it's a local race so there's no hotel cost, no extra planning, and most importantly, no interference with work.

The weather was beautiful - a slight breeze (making it chilly at 6AM) but it felt amazing throughout the whole race.  The course wasn't too bad except of course hospital hill was BRUTAL but what's worse is the hill afterwards on Cowan Blvd.  All complaints aside, it was a gorgeous race and I even finished another one in under 2 hours.

So 5 races, 4 months, 3 states, 2 PRs, and 1 very very happy runner girl.  What a fabulous racing season.  So far, 2014 has trumped any expectations I've had so far in the running world.

Best part is I've gotten to do so many races with friends! For instance I saw Shannon, her hubby, and some friends from my running club along the way.

Now off to the lake to let these legs rest after a 9 mile long run and 1 mile training run for Riley.

Happy Memorial Day

Monday, May 12, 2014

Never too late...

Seriously, it's never too late to start something new or make a change.  And after being stuck at the same weight for the past few months despite a crazy running schedule and ridiculously crazy workout schedule, I need a change.

So even though it's something dumb, I've decided I'm doing a whole month of no alcohol.  Who needs all of the extra sugar anyway? And I've also decided to eat at least one fruit or one vegetable at every meal/snack.  I'm also toying with the idea of getting a trainer/nutritionist because the eating aspect is what I'm having the most trouble with.  By the time I get home, make dinner, and eat it's around 7:00 or 8:00. So by the time I go to bed at 10:30, I need a snack.  And then it just continues.  And all the hard work that I've done all day is a waste.

It's so frustrating.  So I'm hoping the no alcohol thing will help kick start me in the right direction... we'll see.  Kind of hard when you love to run, but run for beer too...

Friday, May 2, 2014

You had me at fanatic

I just joined Half Fanatics. It's just as crazy as it sounds.  Seriously.  Half fanatics is an elite (I wish), online group for runners who have met certain criteria - usually a ridiculous amount of running to take pride and show the world who they are.

So basically you had me at fanatic.  And since I've completed 4 half marathons in 64 days and not to mention I have one more in the next three weeks, it only seems right that I join.  Apparently, at races if you have fanatic gear people take you seriously as a runner and yadda yadda yadda.  I don't know about all of that, but hey.  If it's the name of running, you can be sure I want my name associated with it.

So now I'm a member.  And of course I bought the sweaty band, the magnet, and the hoodie.  But hey, I work hard to log the miles I run, so why the hell not??

In other news, this week at the gym was good.  My running schedule got a little rearranged due to my vacation and also the rain so I ended up running yesterday instead of Wednesday.  Which is interesting because you would think as an occupational therapist, flexibility would be my middle name.  But No, it's not. So this for me was a big step.  And believe it or not, 4 miles at an 8:30 pace.  Not my fastest, but pretty freaking awesome for running a half on Sunday (not gonna lie, I love telling people that I just ran a half nonchalantly).

In fact, my boss even complemented me saying that I don't give myself enough running credit - which of course means he hasn't seen my running wall.  "There are just so many medals" - inside joke for Kim.

Anyways, it's Friday and time to do what runners do best - drink.
Until next time.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Bless Her Little Heart

Famous (or should I say infamous) last words in the South.  That's right folks - a southern half marathon, finally.  And why not?  Kim and I decided a while to go that we were gonna run the Diva Half Marathon in sunny Myrtle Beach, SC.  And here the story goes.

Friday night after getting off a wretched week of work, I drove down (6.5 hours) to Myrtle Beach where Kim and her parents were at.  I made pretty decent time arriving around midnight (mostly because I got lost, had to get some gas, and left Va kind of late...but that's a whole other story).

Got up Saturday morning, went and worked out (because who in their right mind take a vacation from the gym?), and then got the day underway.  Picked up race stuff at the Expo and headed to the beach for a bit.  Of course not too long because who wants to be sunburned in a race??

Come 5:30 Sunday morning we were up and on our way.  Now this is the first race we've done where we've actually stayed at the start/finish of the race meaning no 23,453 miles to walk to the start.  A few blocks down the road and we were off.  The race started at about 7:10 and it was already sweltering.  And the miles were long.

At mile 4, I was already counting down and I knew I was in for a real long haul.  But somehow, my mental game kicked it up a notch and I was able to finish it and with good time.  Some of the miles were really brutal - for instance the strip on the highway where there was no shade and the traffic was loud.  In fact, it was one of those races where many streets weren't really blocked off at all.  Some of the other miles run together.  But miles 10-13, well they were something else.  It was one of those experiences where you definitely enjoy the race (especially when it's over) but at the time all I could think about was making it to the next half mile, taking a sip of water, and then the next half mile.  Finally the end was in sight and it was over.  Except for maybe the marathon, I had never been so happy to see a finish line.

I blame it on the weather, the drive, the lack of sleep, and torturous work week but it definitely was not my favorite run.  At least it's over and I got a bangin' blingin' medal from a HOT firefighter.  Not to mention a little post race bubbly and viola - a happy ending.

How's that for #luckynumber13

Sunday, April 13, 2014

What. The. Hill.

Perfect entry way into my world of running today.  Friday night I drove down to Richmond to Kim's house so we could prepare/get ready for the Rock and Roll Raleigh Half Marathon.  Preparation included shopping at 10:00 PM and of course my early Saturday morning 3 hour gym session.  Followed by 3 hours or so of driving to Raleigh, and viola - we're at the expo.

And it was hot.  Wonderful.  And I had no shorts.  Seriously Tristan, what the hell?  You packed for North Carolina in the middle of April and you only packed capris?? What were you thinking?  So after a semi short trip to the running store ($150 later...) I came out with a lot of great things!

Now I'm always a little hesitant about wearing something on race day that I haven't worn before, but honestly this time I had no choice.  So 5AM wake up call rolled around and off we go - in new clothes and barely worn shoes.  And it was hot.  Even before the race started I could feel the humidity in the air.

I decided to count this one as a fun run and not go all out like I have on the last two. So Kim and I ran the first 7 1/2 miles together. And then off I went with my trusty Garmin and ipod shuffle; both worthy investments.  And it was hill after hill after hill.  I mean I haven't run hills like that since I lived in Harrisonburg.  Oh my word. But I did it.  And I ran and finished the whole thing.  Even through an 11 1/2 mile (almost) wall.  And I did it in 2:01:45.  In style.  Lots of hills and now lots of recovery beer.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

You might be an addict if...

Just out of fun and curiosity, I decided to look up warning signs of addictions.  Now many people have told me that I have an obsession or that I'm crazy - I tend to look at it as being dedicated and driven, but to each their own.  Anyways, I have a theory that everyone is addicted to something.  We may not be in control of our addictive tendencies, but we can be in control of what we're addicted to.  Anyways here's a little self-help survey to help you determine if you have a problem:

  • I have missed important social obligations and family events in order to exercise.
  • I have given up other interests, including time with friends, in order to make more time to work out.
  • Missing a workout makes me irritable and depressed.
  • I only feel content when I am exercising or within the hour after exercising.
  • I like exercise better than sex, good food, or a movie -- in fact there's almost nothing I'd rather do.
  • I work out even if I'm sick, injured, or exhausted. I'll feel better when I get moving anyway.
  • In addition to my regular schedule, I'll exercise more if I find extra time.
  • Family and friends have told me I'm too involved in exercise.
  • I have a history (or a family history) of anxiety or depression.

  • Apparently if you say 'yes' to three or more of these, you have a problem.  I won't even tell you where I fell in...but don't worry about me, I can quit anytime I want.

    And this one is for the lady at the gym who had something to say about every exercise in Saturday's class...

    Monday, March 31, 2014

    Time flies when you're...working out??

    Seriously.  A lot of people ask me how I manage to spend 3 or 4 hours at the gym.  Easy peasy: addiction.  But secondly, I make sure to switch things up and do new and fun things including classes and machines.  For instance, I like to start my Monday/Wednesday routines with a run - usually a 4-6 miler depending on how much time I have.  Then I go to the weight room for 45-60 minutes (or however long I have left before 5:00PM). Trust me, I could easily spend an hour or two in the weight room alone just by switching things up. At 5, I take a group gym class which keeps me motivated and also disciplined. It makes sure I do all the exercises that I might "accidentally" skip in the fitness center on my own.

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I opt for the stairmaster.  A good 45 minute workout on that sucker will have you burning serious calories.  I'll switch and do some free weights or use the machine, making sure not to repeat what I did the day before.  It's really more of a light lifting or stretch kind of day.  Then again at 5, I take a HIIT (high intensive interval training) which combines a lot of cardio and plyometrics as well as strength.  Followed by a 30 minute core class.  Depending on the day there are other classes to shoot for but this is kind of my routine.

    What I love about it is that why I do spend a ridiculously large amount of time at the gym, it's always different, never boring because of all the choices and machines to use.  I can always find some new area to target/work on or some new class to get involved in.  And while the first few minutes are always the hardest, once I get going the time just flies by.

    Sunday, March 16, 2014

    I (sham)Rocked this bitch!

    Happy Almost St. Patty's Day! In honor of the Irish and of course Kim's birthday, why not celebrate with 13.1 miles of pure blissful running?? And that's exactly what the weekend entailed.  I met up with Kim and her parents Friday afternoon and we trucked it down to Va Beach.  And while I have recently decided that Va Beach is overrated and full of bitter and foul memories, it is wonderful for flat, record breaking races.

    I met up with Kim and her parents after work on Friday and headed down to the ghetto.  Her parents signed up for the 8K, which they ran on Saturday.  And of course the work out-a-holic in me volunteered to run with Kim's mom so she had company.  Day 1 = 8K Day 2 = half marathon.

    And while Va Beach is rarely good for anything else, it is wonderful for flat road running.  Before I knew it, I hit mile 1, then 4, and then 7.  Typically mile 8 is my hardest mile (she's kind of a tough bitch - more than half way, but a daunting 5 to go) and this race was no exception.  Once I hit 9, I knew the rest was smooth sailing.  And I ended up was a new PR! 1:54:38!!! Almost shaved 3 whole minutes off of my last half marathon time.

    And while I hate to brag, I shamROCKED that bitch.

    Overall Results
    Age Group Results
    Gender Results
     Time:1:54:38.0  Group:Women 25 to 29  Gender:F 
     Place:1715 Place:103  Place:630
     Finishers:3891 Finishers:311  Finishers:1877  

    Medal/Bottle opener

    PreRace/PreDawn Pic

    Post Race


    Monday, March 10, 2014

    Manic Miles & Oh Yea It's Monday

    First off, let me start by saying Happy Birthday to my Sole Mate Kim! Today's her birthday and we have been through a lot together.  Talk about walking (or running) in somebody else's shoes, Kim and I have done that.  As camp counselors (where we met), going through grad school, working in rehab, running a marathon get the picture. We've done a lot.  So happy birthday to one of my most favorite people and best friends.

    Secondly, I'm gearing up for another race on Sunday, woohoo! So I got in 8 miles yesterday and 4 miles today.  My times are seriously improving.  Today's run was at an 8:36 pace - and though it was only 4 miles, that still faster than a previous 4 miles.

    Thirdly, today I ate at Panera for lunch.  Panera is a go-to for me because it always has calorie and nutrition information available.  It also has so many different options so I never get bored.  Anyways, I had a turkey BLT and a salad (again my go-to).  So for dinner, I was inspired.  Since I've been trying to eat healthier and eat more protein, I made a BLT turkey burger for dinner.  Add a little broccoli and some quinoa, and you've got yourself a meal!  It was delicious and totally a quick, easy fix for one person.  I used my little george foreman grill to cook everything. After running, aerobics, and dancing, a quick easy meal is the way to go at 8:00PM.  Anyways, I'm off to finish my dinner but something to consider: Just because you cook for one (or two even) doesn't mean it has to lack taste and can still be reach in protein and nutrients.  Enjoy!

    Lastly, it's Monday.  Daylight savings totally sucks.  Bentley and I are having issues. Can you tell by this sweet puppy face?

    Saturday, March 8, 2014

    Switching It Up

    This weekend, I had the opportunity to go on my annual Father/Daughter weekend aka "Daddy/Daughter" weekend.  Basically, my dad, sisters and I head somewhere for the weekend and do a bunch of fun stuff, eat a bunch of junk, and just relax - something we don't do nearly enough.  Not to mention that Bailey's in college, I work full time, and Riley has school so our schedules don't always coincide.

    This weekend we hit up Massanutten.  And boy did we do it good.  I woke up early to hit the gym (even on vacation I'm always trying to stick to a routine) where I managed 6.5 miles on the elliptical and an hour of weights/core. Some people think my workout routine is obsessive.  And I have to admit, to a point, it is.  I work out 6 days a week because that's important to me.  I'm the only one who can change my body, my lifestyle, so I'm the one that has to put in the work.  I mean, it's okay to watch tv five days a week but not workout?  Really?

    Anyways we took the opportunity to go skiing.  And boy was it fun.  After about 3.5/4 hours we called it a day but not before I worked just about every leg muscle in my body.  It felt good to do something different and exciting.  And it reminded me the gym needs to be the same way.  Get out of that rut and try new things at the gym if you're a member.  Take a new class or try a new weight exercise.  After so long, your body gets used to routine and the changes stop.  So on to new and exciting things in addition the old ones too.

    Boy am I glad today wasn't leg day.

    Friday, March 7, 2014

    In It For The Long Run

    A few days have passed since I've started the new blog and a lot of things have happened.  First, I've been thinking about the commitment I've made to working out and running again.  It's been 6 months since I re-started the journey (the first time was in grad school when I lost the majority of weight).  And what a glorious six months it's been.

    In that time frame I started retraining for half marathons, started weight training again, amped up my workouts, and ultimately decided to living the healthier life style.  And while it's not always easy, it's so worth it.

    I worked out a ton this week. My usual regimen is about 2.5-3.25 hours a day.  And while that sounds like a lot, I love that my body can handle that kind of conditioning.  For instance my Wednesday was fabulous.  I ran 6.2 miles (in 52:04 I might add - a new personal best), managed the stair stepper for 20 minutes, took a weight lifting class, and took a dance class.  And this is pretty much a typical workout day.  I love it.

    Of course there are those days when the last thing I want to do is lace up my running shoes and hit the trail, but the more I workout the fewer and farther in between those days are.  It's kind of fantastic.  It reminds me what it feels like to be passionate about something again (whether running or cross training).  I always used to joke the best relationship I've ever had is with my running shoes.  And in all actuality, it's true.  No matter when or where I need them, they're right there.

    Sweet accountability.

    All in all, my workouts, the running, and yes even the dance classes - well it looks like I'm in it for the long run.

    Monday, March 3, 2014

    Girl with a Curl

    A little bit about myself just to get you started...

    I'm a twenty - something year old girl who lives for running (seriously I think it saved my life), finding that next adventure, and figuring it out what it means to be fit, healthy, and happy.  I'm a whole lot of everything - sarcastic, honest, blunt, funny, loud, overbearing, over-sharing, anxious, critical, etc.  You get the picture.

    I have my Master's Degree in Occupational Therapy and my B.S. in Health Sciences, though I haven't been formally trained in health exercise of lifestyle training.  These are just some of my thoughts on fitness, fun, and life not to mention the chronicles of my own journey including the ups and downs of weight loss and learning what it means to be strong.

    Phew, that was a mouthful (did someone track those calories?).  :)
    Well, here we go.