Sunday, June 22, 2014

An un-noteworthy note

So, instead of taking a break from running when my 5 (yes 5!) half marathons were over, I caved to peer pressure and signed up for the marine corp marathon.  Honestly, I couldn't even tell you when marathon training even started, because I've been running since December non-stop.

And would I  want it any other way? No, of course not.  Why not continue to go non-stop for the next few months? In all actuality, I'm really looking forward to running the race it's just those pesky 20 mile runs that terrify me.

Anyways, summer running has proved to be interesting.  I still need to rearrange some classes and gym time around so I can figure out my running schedule better.  The heat right now is killing my afternoon runs.  I can only manage to get in 3.5/4 miles before taking a breather.

Mostly, it's all working out fine for now.  Minus the snakes.  Those things scare the living daylights out of me when I'm running.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


I didn't work out today.  And you know what?  The sky didn't fall, the world didn't end, and no body died.  How about that?

I actually gave myself a break.  And since I've been house sitting the past week, everything ha been mounting exponentially.  So I skipped the gym, ate like shit, and headed over to my friend's house to hang out with "family".  And it was so worth it.

I forgot what it was like to have the afternoon off.  What it felt like to go to bible study, eat dinner at a reasonable hour, and play game with the kids.

And yes, though I will make it up tomorrow on my off day, it was the right call.  A much needed break.  Absence make the heart grow fonder right?