Monday, April 28, 2014

Bless Her Little Heart

Famous (or should I say infamous) last words in the South.  That's right folks - a southern half marathon, finally.  And why not?  Kim and I decided a while to go that we were gonna run the Diva Half Marathon in sunny Myrtle Beach, SC.  And here the story goes.

Friday night after getting off a wretched week of work, I drove down (6.5 hours) to Myrtle Beach where Kim and her parents were at.  I made pretty decent time arriving around midnight (mostly because I got lost, had to get some gas, and left Va kind of late...but that's a whole other story).

Got up Saturday morning, went and worked out (because who in their right mind take a vacation from the gym?), and then got the day underway.  Picked up race stuff at the Expo and headed to the beach for a bit.  Of course not too long because who wants to be sunburned in a race??

Come 5:30 Sunday morning we were up and on our way.  Now this is the first race we've done where we've actually stayed at the start/finish of the race meaning no 23,453 miles to walk to the start.  A few blocks down the road and we were off.  The race started at about 7:10 and it was already sweltering.  And the miles were long.

At mile 4, I was already counting down and I knew I was in for a real long haul.  But somehow, my mental game kicked it up a notch and I was able to finish it and with good time.  Some of the miles were really brutal - for instance the strip on the highway where there was no shade and the traffic was loud.  In fact, it was one of those races where many streets weren't really blocked off at all.  Some of the other miles run together.  But miles 10-13, well they were something else.  It was one of those experiences where you definitely enjoy the race (especially when it's over) but at the time all I could think about was making it to the next half mile, taking a sip of water, and then the next half mile.  Finally the end was in sight and it was over.  Except for maybe the marathon, I had never been so happy to see a finish line.

I blame it on the weather, the drive, the lack of sleep, and torturous work week but it definitely was not my favorite run.  At least it's over and I got a bangin' blingin' medal from a HOT firefighter.  Not to mention a little post race bubbly and viola - a happy ending.

How's that for #luckynumber13

Sunday, April 13, 2014

What. The. Hill.

Perfect entry way into my world of running today.  Friday night I drove down to Richmond to Kim's house so we could prepare/get ready for the Rock and Roll Raleigh Half Marathon.  Preparation included shopping at 10:00 PM and of course my early Saturday morning 3 hour gym session.  Followed by 3 hours or so of driving to Raleigh, and viola - we're at the expo.

And it was hot.  Wonderful.  And I had no shorts.  Seriously Tristan, what the hell?  You packed for North Carolina in the middle of April and you only packed capris?? What were you thinking?  So after a semi short trip to the running store ($150 later...) I came out with a lot of great things!

Now I'm always a little hesitant about wearing something on race day that I haven't worn before, but honestly this time I had no choice.  So 5AM wake up call rolled around and off we go - in new clothes and barely worn shoes.  And it was hot.  Even before the race started I could feel the humidity in the air.

I decided to count this one as a fun run and not go all out like I have on the last two. So Kim and I ran the first 7 1/2 miles together. And then off I went with my trusty Garmin and ipod shuffle; both worthy investments.  And it was hill after hill after hill.  I mean I haven't run hills like that since I lived in Harrisonburg.  Oh my word. But I did it.  And I ran and finished the whole thing.  Even through an 11 1/2 mile (almost) wall.  And I did it in 2:01:45.  In style.  Lots of hills and now lots of recovery beer.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

You might be an addict if...

Just out of fun and curiosity, I decided to look up warning signs of addictions.  Now many people have told me that I have an obsession or that I'm crazy - I tend to look at it as being dedicated and driven, but to each their own.  Anyways, I have a theory that everyone is addicted to something.  We may not be in control of our addictive tendencies, but we can be in control of what we're addicted to.  Anyways here's a little self-help survey to help you determine if you have a problem:

  • I have missed important social obligations and family events in order to exercise.
  • I have given up other interests, including time with friends, in order to make more time to work out.
  • Missing a workout makes me irritable and depressed.
  • I only feel content when I am exercising or within the hour after exercising.
  • I like exercise better than sex, good food, or a movie -- in fact there's almost nothing I'd rather do.
  • I work out even if I'm sick, injured, or exhausted. I'll feel better when I get moving anyway.
  • In addition to my regular schedule, I'll exercise more if I find extra time.
  • Family and friends have told me I'm too involved in exercise.
  • I have a history (or a family history) of anxiety or depression.

  • Apparently if you say 'yes' to three or more of these, you have a problem.  I won't even tell you where I fell in...but don't worry about me, I can quit anytime I want.

    And this one is for the lady at the gym who had something to say about every exercise in Saturday's class...